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"our city plantation"
community news
September 2017
florida citrus model train society "transportation exhibit"
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September 2017 "Our City Plantation" Article. The Florida Citrus Model Train Society "All Aboard! The Transportation Exhibit" featured at the Plantation Historical Museum. Operation LifeSaver Program available to visitors.
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
august 26, 2017
Saturday, August 26, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver" presentation to "Charter School Students" of Hallandale, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Members working at the Museum today were: Ken Sargeant, Bill Nielsen, John Feeney, Frank Atanasio, Rick Compton, Joe Pisciotti, Ed Nelson, Peter Colussy, "Princess" (the Service Dog) (9)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
august 10, 2017
Thursday, August 10, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver" presentation to "Miami Job Corps" of Miami, Florida" at the Plantation Historical Museum. Members working at the Museum were: Ken Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Don Kneuer, Steven Kneuer, Greg Baird, Bill Nielsen, Joe Motes, John Feeney, John Michna, Bob Balog, Paul Gehrling, Frank Atanasio, Rick Compton, Joe Pisciotti (14)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
august 8, 2017
Tuesday, August 8, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver" presentation to "United Community Options of South Florida" of Pembroke Pines, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participating today were: Ken Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Bill Nielsen, Joe Parisini, John Feeney, Rick Compton, Paul Gehring, Tom Rottenberg, John Faso, Joe Pisciotti, Frank Atanasio, Luis Figueroa (12)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
august 3, 2017
Thursday, August 3, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant gave an "Operation LifeSaver" presentation to "Nee's Kung-Fu Summer Camp" of Cooper City, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participating today were: Ken Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Joe Motes, John Feeney, John Michna, Rick Compton, Frank Atanasio (7)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
august 3, 2017
Thursday, August 3, 2017 Students from the "New Visionary Learning Center" of Plantation at the Plantation Historical Museum for a tour and "Operation LifeSaver Presentation by Dr. Ken Sargeant. Seven members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society that participated today were: Ken Sargeant, Joe Motes, John Michna, Frank Atanasio, John Feeney, Rick Compton, Bill Tessar.
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
thursday, july 27, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver" Presentation to "Miami Job Corps" of Miami, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Seven members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society that participated today were: Ken Sargeant, Bill Nielsen, John Michna, Frank Atanasio, John Feeney, John Faso, Rick Compton (7)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
thursday, july 20, 2017
Thursday, July 20, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver" Presentation to "Universal Titan Taekwondo" of Sunrise and "Colony Club of Sunrise" Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Eleven members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society that participated today were: Ken Sargeant, Saralyn Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Joe Motes, Greg Baird, Bill Nielsen, John Michna, Frank Atanasdio, John Feeney, Bob Balog, John Faso (11)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
tuesday, july 18, 2017
Tuesday, July 18, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver" Presentation to the "Little Masters Child Care Center" of Lauderhill, Florida Summer Camp at the Plantation Historical Museum. Twelve members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participated in todays event. Those members were: Ken Sargeant, Tom Rottenberg, Bill Nielsen, John Michna, Joe Parisini, John Feeney, Bill Tessar, Joe Pisciotti, Luis Figueroa, John Faso, Paul Gehring, Bob Balog (12)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
thursday, july 13, 2017
Thursday, July 13, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver" Presentation to the "World of Learning" and later the "Dickinson Acadeny" of Sunrise, Florida Summer Camps at the Plantation Historical Museum. Twelve members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participated in todays event. Those members were: Ken Sargeant, Saralyn Sargeant, Tom Rottenberg, Greg Baird, Bill Nielsen, Kevin Patterson, John Michna, Joe Parisini, John Feeney, Robert Feeney, Dan McMurtrie, Frank Atanasio (12)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
tUeSDAY, july 11, 2017
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant gave an "Operation LifeSaver" presentation to "Nee's Kung-Fu Summer Camp" of Cooper City, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participating today were: Ken Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Joe Parisini, Bill Nielsen, Kevin Patterson, Lenny Vicctor, John Feeney (7)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
tHURSDAY, june 29, 2017
Thursday, June 27, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant gave an "Operation LifeSaver" presentation to "Taekwonod Karate Summern Camp members of Sunrise, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participating today were: Ken Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Joe Parisini, Bill Nielsen, John Michna, Dan McMurtrie, John Feeney, Barrty Favre, Frank Atanasio (9)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
tuesday, june 27, 2017
Thursday, June 27, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver Presentation" to "Kid's Korner Camp" of Plantation, Florida and "South Florida Academy" of Coconut Creek, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participating were: Ken Sargeant, Tom Rottenberg, Bill Tessar, Joe Parisini, Peter Colussy, Don Kneuer, Steven Kneuer, Bill Nielsen, Paul Gehring, John Michna, Dan McMurtrie, John Feeney (12) See (OPERATION LIFESAVER)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
thursday, june 22, 2017
Thursday, June 22, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver Presentation" to the "Jim Ward Community Summer Camp" of Plantation, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Nine members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participated in the event. Those members were: Ken Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Bill Nielsen, Joe Parisini, Kieve Ehrlich, Joe Motes, Nick Mekich, John Feeney, Joe Pisciotti (9) See (OPERATION LIFESAVER)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver presentation"
tuesday, june 20, 2017
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant giving an "Operation LifeSaver Presentation" to "Tutor Time Learning Center" of Plantation, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Nine members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participated in the event. Those members taking part were Dr. Ken Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Bill Nielsen, Dan McMurtrie, Joe Parisini, Kieve Ehrlich, David Mikelson, John Faso, John Feeney (9) Students were given Activity Book, Coloring Book, Key Ring, Book Marks, Crayons, Pencils complements of Florida Operation LifeSaver. See (PLANTATION HISTORICAL MUSEUM FEBRUARY 18, 2017 - OCTOBER 7, 2017)
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PLantation Historical museum
"operation lifesaver activity"
Friday, june 16, 2017
Friday, June 16, 2017 Parent with two children at the Plantation Historical Museum taking part in the "Operation LifeSaver" Program. The children are coloring in the Operation LifeSaver Coloring Book Starring Sly Fox & Birdie, and the Sly Fox & Birdie "Railroad Safety Activity Book". Twelve members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society participated in the event. Those members taking part were Dr. Ken Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Kyle Perry, Bill Nielsen, Dan McMurtrie, Linda McMurtrie, Bob Balog, Rick Compton, Joe Parisini, Nick Mekich, Bob Brown, Joe Pisciotti (12)
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Pembroke pines charter school
central campus
"operation lifesaver presentations"
wednesday, june 7, 2017
Wednesday, June 7, 2017 Dr. Ken Sargeant making an "Opeation LifeSaver" presentation at Pembroke Pines Charter School - Central Campus, Pembroke Pines, Florida. Florida Citrus Model Train Society Members Bill Tessar, Tom Rottenberg were assisting by operating "G" Scale Trains and handing out Activity Books, Coloring Books, Crayons and Pencils to the Students. Teachers Milessa Sargeant, Jari Marcos, Daniells Giustiro, Elise Wright supervised the 121 "First Grade Students" from the Elementary School.
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PLantation Historical museum
"transportation exhibit"
Friday, may 25, 2017
Thursday, May 25, 2017 Students from two Broward County High Schools attended an "Operation LifeSaver" presentation by Dr. Ken Sargeant at the Plantation Historical Museum. The schools participating were Plantation High School and South Plantation High School. Other FCMTS members taking part were: John Feeney, Tom Rottenberg, Bill Nielsen, Dan McMurtrie, Bill Tessar, John Michna, Joe Pisciotti, Barry Favre, Joe Parisini, John Faso (11)
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PLantation Historical museum
"transportation exhibit"
Friday, may 19, 2017
Friday, May 19, 2017 Ken Sargeant making Operation LifeSaver Locomotive Engineer Hats at the Plantation Historical Society just before a presentation.
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PLantation Historical museum
"transportation exhibit"
tuesday, march 28, 2017
Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Ken Sargeant making an Operation LifeSaver Presentation to students from the Alpha International Academy of Hollywood, Florida at the Plantation Historical Museum. Notice the Engineer Hats on the students. Florida Citrus Model Train Society members taking part today were: Ken Sargeant, Bill Tessar, Peter Colussy, Joe Pisciotti, Barry Favre, Bill Nielsen, John Michna, Kieve Ehrlich, Dan McMurtrie, Tom Rottnberg, Bob Brown, Paul Gehring, Joe Parisini, John Feeney (13)
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operation lifesaver
in the MULTIPURPOSE meeting room
january 5, 2017
January 5, 2017 Mother with children showing off their new Engineer Caps, Bookmarks, Whistles, Pens compliments of Operation LifeSaver at the Southwest Regional Library in Pembroke Pines, Florida. Some of the 477 visitors today. The Group is standing in front of the 40 foot "O" Scale Modular Layout. Last day of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society Display is January 7, 2017 See (SOUTHWEST REGIONAL LIBRARY 2016 - 2017) & (Part 2)
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operation lifesaver train
showcase in the mail lobby
january 4, 2017
Wednesday, January 4, 2017 "Operation LifeSaver" MTH Locomotive 452 followed by two State of Florida Police Cars on the Flatbed. These items were on Display in the Main Lobby of the Southwest Regioal Library Showcase. This "Operation LifeSaver" train was run many time on the 40 foot "O" Scale Modular Layout during our stay. Last day of operating is January 7, 2017
See (SOUTHWEST REGIONAL LIBRARY 2016 - 2017) & (Part 2)
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southwest regional library
pembroke pines, Fl 33331
DECEMBER 28, 2016
Wednesday, December 28, 2016 Students from MGM Academy of Miami Lakes, Florida at the Southwest Regional Library standing with "Operation LifeSaver" materials by the "HO" Scale Layout. We had 620 guests today.
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southwest regional library
pembroke pines, Fl 33331
DECEMBER 27, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016 Visitors at the Southwest Regional Library standing with "Operation LifeSaver" materials and items we provide during our Operation LifeSaver presentations. We had 626 visitors today.
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southwest regional library
pembroke pines, Fl 33331
DECEMBER 19, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016 Students from Pembroke Pines Charter High School standing by the "Operation LifeSaver" materials and items we use during our presentations at the Southwest Regional Library. We had 584 visitors today.
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southwest regional library
pembroke pines, Fl 33331
November 26, 2016
Saturday, November 26, 2016 (L-R) Dr. Ken Sargeant, Nick Diorio standing by the "Operation LifeSaver" materials that will be given to participants that attended the Model Train Display before presentations to 473 visitors on our second day at the Southwest Regional Library located in Pembroke Pines.
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south regional / broward college library
pembroke pines, Fl 33024
OCTOBER 12, 2016
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 Dr. Ken Sargeant standing by the "O" Scale Model Train Layout after giving four "Operation LifeSaver" presentations to 713 visitors on our last day at the South Regional / Broward College Library located in Pembroke Pines, Florida.
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south regional / broward college library
pembroke pines, Fl 33024
september 27, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016 Dr. Ken Sargeant sitting by the "Operation LifeSaver" materials that were given to visitors at the South Regional / Broward College Library located in Pembroke Pines, Florida.
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west regional library
plantation, Fl 33324
september 10, 2016
Saturday, September 10, 2016 (L-R) Nick Diorio, Ken Sargeant sitting by the "Operation LifeSaver" materials that was given out to a record setting crowd of 508 visitors at the West Regional Library located in Plantation Florida.
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west regional library
8601 w. broward blvd
plantation, Fl 33324
august 31, 2016 - september 12, 2016
Thursday, September 1, 2016 Ken Sargeant sitting by the "Operation LifeSaver" materials that was given to our guests during our 12 day stay at the West Regional Library. Dr. Sargeant made 48 presentations to 4,127 visitors.
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old davie SCHOOL historical museum
"summer camps WEEK"
june 13-17, 2016
Dr. Ken Sargeant (Operation LifeSaver Volunteer Instructor) made 43 Operation LifeSaver Presentations to 24 visiting Summer Camps with a total 1,003 participants during Summer Camp Week, June 13 - 17, 2016. The Event was held at the Old Davie School Historical Museum. Summer Camps were from: Oakland Academy of Sunrise, Amberwood Academy of Lauderhill, Kinder Care Academy of Pembroke Pines, Northwest Christian of Miami, Discovery Pre School of Coconut Creek, Davie Christian Academy of Davie, Camp Central of Lauderdale Lakes, C by Me of Hollywood, Sheridan Hills Christian of Hollywood, Kinder Care Academy of Miami Lakes, Tinglewood of Pembroke Pines, Andy Bear Campers of Coral Springs, Children's World South of Fort Lauderdale, Children's World of Margate, Kid's in Motion of Coral Springs, St Bonaventure of Davie, Oxford Academy of Sunrise, Kids in Motion of Coral Springs, A Family Childcare of Fort Lauderdale, Education Station Pre School of Light House Point, Kinder Care of Plantation, ABC's of Learning and Growing of North Lauderdale, Sunny Seed Pre School of Davie, Early Learning Academy of Pembroke Pines. Each camper was given an Activity Book, Coloring Book, Pen, Pencil, Book Mark, Key Ring, Brochure "Myths or Realities? Pedestrian Safety Around Tracks & Trains" and viewed a DVD "Tracks Are For Trains, Not For Kids". See: (HOME) & (OLD DAVIE SCHOOL HISTORICAL MUSEUM 2016)
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old davie SCHOOL historical museum
"summer camps"
FRIDAY, june 17, 2016
Friday, June 17, 2016 Dr. Ken Sargeant, talking to campers from Education Station Pre School of Light House Point Summer Camp. Ken did an Operation LifeSaver Presentation concerning trespassing on Train Property on the Fifth and Final Day of "Summer Camps" at the Old Davie School Historical Museum. Other Camps appearing today were: Kinder Care of Plantation, ABC's of Learning and Growing of North Lauderdale, Sunny Seed Pre School of Davie, Early Learning Academy of Pembroke Pines. Each camper was given a Activity Book, Coloring Book, Pen, Pencil, Book Mark, Key Ring, Brochure "Myths or Realities? Pedestrian Safety Around Tracks & Trains" and viewed a DVD "Tracks Are For Trains, Not For Kids". See: (OLD DAVIE SCHOOL HISTORICAL MUSEUM 2016)
& (HOME)
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Dr. ken sargeant
operation lifesaver presentations
old davie school historical museum
fourth day
"summer camps"
thursday, june 16, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016 Dr. Ken Sargeant (Operation LifeSaver Volunteer Instructor) made eight presentations to 213 guests. Pictured are campers from Children's World South of Fort Lauderdale at the Old Davie School Historical Museum. Six members of the Florida Citrus Model Train Society operated five trains on our "New G Scale" layout. Todays Summer Camps were from Children's World of Margate, Kid's in Motion of Coral Springs, St Bonaventure of Davie, Oxford Academy of Sunrise, Children's World of Margate, Kids in Motion of Coral Springs, A Family Childcare of Fort Lauderdale. Each student was given: Activity Book, Pen, Pencil, Bookmark, Coloring Book, Key Chain, and Brochure "Myths or Realities? Pedestrian Safety Around Tracks & Trains". Visitors viewed DVD "Tracks Are For Trains, Not for Kids"
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